
Human Rights Alert - NGO page counter
Our right to access public records, our Liberty and our fundamental Human Rights are all connected at the hips!

Why was this blog created?

All further in-house efforts to further justice in the US justice system are futile. These efforts are only worthwhile to the degree that they provide additional documentation of the widespread corruption of the US justice system.

Our focus must be on the international community.

In November 2010 the United Nations will review for the first time ever the Human Rights record of the United States. Corruption of the justice system was the core of reports filed by Human Rights Alert and others for the April 2010 deadline.

In August 2010 the US State Department is scheduled to respond on the reports, and in November 2010 the UN will conduct the review session and issue the report, and set goals, which the US would be asked to reach between 2010 and the next scheduled review in 2014.

Between now and November 2010, we must focus on informing and lobbying the nations that sit on the review panel, to ensure that the most effective report is issued.

This blog was created in hope that the German Federal Government would support a UN UPR report that calls upon the US federal government to provide equal protection under the law to all who reside in the United States.

Please call or write your elected representatives and ask that the German Government support in November 2010 the issuance of a UPR report by the United Nations, which calls upon the US government to abide by its duties and responsibilities pursuant to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – ratified international law.

Bitte rufen Sie an oder schreiben Sie Ihrem gewählten Vertreter. Fragen Sie, ob die deutsche Regierung im November 2010 die Ausstellung eines UPR Bericht der Vereinten Nationen unterstuetzt.

Bitte unterzeichnen Sie die Petition - Richard Fine zu Befreien

RICHARD FINE was arrested on March 4, 2009 and is held since then in solitary confinement in Twin Tower Jail in Los Angeles, California, with no records,  conforming with the fundamentals of the law, as the basis for his arrest and jailing.

Richard Fine - 70 Jahre alt, ehemaliger US-Staatsanwalt, hatte gezeigt, dass die Richter in Los Angeles County "nicht zulässig" Zahlungen angenommen hatten (von den Medien "Bestechungsgelder" genannt). Am 20. Februar 2009 unterzeichnete der Gouverneur von Kalifornien "rückwirkende Immunität" (Verzeihung) für alle Richter in Los Angeles. Weniger als zwei Wochen später, am 4. März 2009, wurde Richard Fine in einer öffentlichen Sitzung verhaftet, ohne Gerichtlichen beschluss. Er ist seitdem in Einzelhaft in Los Angeles, Kalifornien; es ist weder ein Urteil noch eine Verurteilung ergangen.

Bitte unterzeichnen Sie die Petition - Richard Fine zu Befreien:

Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2010

10-06-30 Grossem Umfang zu Betrug bei der US-Gericht, Washington DC, geltend gemacht

Chief Judge Lamberth - US District Court -DC U.S. District Court, D.C. District by Ken Lund.
Chief Judge Royce Lamberth_ _ _ _ US District Court, District of Columbia
Los Angeles, June 30 – in letters to the United Nations and the US State Department, copied to Chairs of the US Congress Judiciary Committees, Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, alleged large-scale fraud in the US courts in Washington DC. [1] The core claim pertained conduct of the cases of Sieverding v USDOJ et al (1:09-cv-00562) at USDC DC and Sieverding v USDOJ et al (10-5149) at CCA DC, where individuals filed complaints to protect their rights against US Department of Justice. The letter claimed that the US courts engage in fraud through employment of new computerized case management and public access systems. [2] Through such systems public access is routinely denied to critical authentication records, and litigations are conducted, which are not pursuant to US law at all. However, the public and pro se litigants (those representing themselves), and often also experienced attorneys, cannot tell the difference.
The letter was forwarded to the United Nations and the US State Department as part of the first ever review of Human Rights in the United States by the United Nations, scheduled for November 2010.
Human Rights Alert (NGO) claims of routine fraud through case management in the US and state courts were reviewed and supported by prominent international computer science experts. Human Rights Alert (NGO) is calling for public review of such computer systems in the courts and prisons, with help by computer experts.
Conditions of the justice system in the US today were alleged by Human Rights Alert (NGO) as large-scale fraud and serious abuse of the Human Rights of the American people by its own government.
Conditions at the US courts were alleged by Human Rights Alert (NGO) in report filed with the United Nations as undermining banking regulation in the current crisis, and permitting alleged criminality by large financial institutions.

[1] 10-06-30-Sieverding-v-USDOJ-et-al-1-09-cv-00562-at-US-District-Court-DC-and-Sieverding-v-USDOJ-et-al-10-5149-at-US-Court-of-Appeals-DC-Serious
[2] 10-06-24-Paper2-Data-Mining-of-Online-Records-of-the-Networked-US-Courts-s

Chief Judge Lamberth - US District Court -DC U.S. District Court, D.C. District by Ken Lund.
Chief Judge Royce Lamberth_ _ _ _ US District Court, District of Columbia
Los Angeles, 30. Juni - in Briefen an die Vereinten Nationen und das US State Department, kopiert Vorsitzenden der US-Kongress Judiciary Ausschüsse, mutmaßliche Menschenrechtsverletzungen Alert (NGO) und Joseph Zernik, PhD, groß angelegten Betrug in der US-Gerichte in Washington DC. [1] Der Kern Forderung betraf Verhalten der Fälle von Sieverding v USDOJ et al (01.09-cv-00562) bei USDC DC und Sieverding v USDOJ et al (10-5149) bei CCA DC, wo Einzelpersonen eingereicht Beschwerden zu schützen ihre Rechte gegenüber US Department of Justice. Der Brief behauptet, dass die US-Gerichte Betrug neigen durch die Beschäftigung von neuen EDV-Case-Management-Systeme und den Zugang der Öffentlichkeit. [2] Durch solche Systeme den Zugang der Öffentlichkeit routinemäßig auf kritische Authentifizierung Aufzeichnungen verweigert, und Rechtsstreitigkeiten geführt werden, die nicht nach US-Recht überhaupt. Allerdings, der Öffentlichkeit und pro se Prozessparteien (die Vertreter selbst), und oft auch erfahrene Anwälte, kann den Unterschied nicht feststellen. Der Brief war an die Vereinigten Nationen und des US-Außenministeriums als Teil der erste Überprüfung der Menschenrechte in den Vereinigten Staaten von der UNO, für November 2010 geplant weitergeleitet. Human Rights Alert (NGO) Forderungen von routinemäßigen Betrug durch Case-Management in den USA und staatlichen Gerichten überprüft wurden und unterstützt von führenden internationalen Informatik-Experten. Human Rights Alert (NGO) ist für öffentliche Überprüfung solcher EDV-Systeme in den Gerichten und Gefängnissen fordern, mit Hilfe von Computer-Experten. Bedingungen der Justiz in den USA wurden heute von Human Rights Alert (NGO) wie groß angelegtem Betrug und schwerwiegenden Missbrauch der Menschenrechte des amerikanischen Volkes von seiner eigenen Regierung behauptet. Die Bedingungen auf dem US-Gerichte wurden von Human Rights Alert (NGO) in dem Bericht mit den Vereinten Nationen als Unterminierung Bankenregulierung in der aktuellen Krise eingereicht behaupteten, und erlaubt angebliche Strafbarkeit von großen Finanzinstituten.
[1] 10-06-30-Sieverding-v-USDOJ-et-al-1-09-cv-00562-at-US-District-Court-DC-and-Sieverding-v-USDOJ-et-al-10-5149-at-US-Court-of-Appeals-DC-Serious
[2] 10-06-24-Paper2-Data-Mining-of-Online-Records-of-the-Networked-US-Courts-s

Montag, 28. Juni 2010

10-06-29 What is wrong with computers of the United States courts?

Over the last decade the United States federal courts completed a large-scale project of transition to digital administration.  In the process, the courts have concealed the authentication records of court rulings, orders, and judgments from public view.

Would you be able to conduct honest bank account reconciliation based on the following computerized check images?
Substitute electronic check

Would you be able to conduct honest bank account reconciliation based on thefollowing computerized check images?

The proposed solution:
All case management systems of the courts must be subjected to public review. Computer experts should be ask to assist in the process.

10-06-28 Computers and the Courts - 8th Grade Level Explanation

The following was written in response to a request for an explanation of the paper linked below [1] at 8th grade level:


Computers and the Courts

In the past couple of decades the United State and state courts have moved from traditional paper files to electronic/ computerized files of various types.  The systems used for computerized management of the courts are called case management systems.

The procedures used in the courts for the management of paper files and paper dockets (the list of all papers and hearings in a given case) developed over several centuries, and were very clearly written.  They were the basis of "Due Process" - fair management of the courts - or fair game. They involved checks and balances, based on the signatures by a judge on any paper that he/she issued rulings, orders, and judgments, and countersignature by a clerk of the court. Combined a paper including both the judge's signature and the clerk's countersignature was a valid order or judgment of the court, which required obedience (full faith and credit). 

The clerk's signature was often as part of a counterpart paper, called authentication record (Certificate of Service/Notice of Entry), which was attached to the judge's paper.  Only when the two parts were combined, was the order or judgment valid, and was considered as requiring obedience.

The main claim is that changing of the courts into case management systems was carried out over a relatively short time. In the US courts, the change was only recently completed.  It was carried out by the judges alone - the public failed to keep a watchful eye on the judges in the process.  The judges exploited the opportunities, and while the public was not watching, they created deceptive case management systems.

In the case management systems that are now used in the US courts, the judges changed many of the very basic procedures of the courts - the essence of Due Process - or fair game.  However, they failed to publish the nature of the new procedures, and therefore, the public, and even trained attorneys, are in the dark - they don't know the rules of the game.  The failure to publish the new procedures is claimed to be in violation of the law, in and of itself.  The rules of the courts must be clearly written, and have to be published. Failing to do so is an essential violation of Due Process - it is no longer a fair game.

Moreover, the judges made substantial changes in the authentication records of the US courts. The most substantial change is that now the computerized authentication records (NEFs Notices of Electronic Filing) are hidden by the US courts from public view.  Therefore, the public cannot know, which of the papers found in court dockets are valid papers, that require obedience, and which ones are invalid (void, not voidable), and require no obedience at all.  Hiding the authentication records from public view is contrary to First Amendment rights, since the First Amendment requires that all court records be available to the public to inspect and to copy.  Going to court, or reading court papers became a poker game, where the cards are hidden from view.  It was never meant to be that way.

Moreover, once the authentication records (NEFs) were hidden from the public, the judges started posting online many orders and judgments that the judges themselves did not consider valid, but the public could not know the difference.  This type of behavior is claimed to be a large-scale fraud by the US judges on the American people.  It is like claiming you have four aces in a poker game, but refusing to show your hand.

Imagine a situation that somebody would publish checks online, and tell you to do accounting based on these checks. However the signature parts of the checks, and the stamps of the bank after the checks were processed, would be hidden, and you would not be able to see, which of the checks were signed and processed, and which ones were not. That is the current situation in the US courts and many of the state courts.

Such conditions led to major increase in corruption of the US courts.  It became too easy for the judges to deceive the public: They issue rulings, orders, and judgments, which are contrary to the law, but the judges themselves know that such papers are invalid since they were never authenticated. Therefore, they believe that they are doing nothing wrong in issuing these rulings, orders, and judgments.  However, the public is made to believe that these were valid court rulings, orders, and judgments, which require obedience.

The proposed solution is to have all computer systems of the courts - the case management systems - subjected to public review with the help of experts in the computer field.

10-06-28 Large-Scale False Imprisonment in Los Angeles County, California – Complaint Filed with Newly Established Public Corruption an Civil Rights Unit

Jacqueline Connor, Judge                        David Pasternak, Attorney
Central figure in the Rampart Scandal           Central Figure in real estate and financial fraud in the courts
Los Angeles, June 28 - Human Rights Alert (NGO) filed complaint with the newly established Public Corruption and Civil Rights unit of the office of Andre Birotte Jr - US Attorney Office, Central District of California. [1] The complaint provided official and unofficial reports, as well as new evidence of large-scale false imprisonments in Los Angeles County, California, affected by the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department and the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles.  The earliest evidence provided was from the Rampart scandal investigation (1998-2000) and related officials and unofficial reports of the false, long-term false imprisonments of thousands of Rampart FIPs (Falsely Imprisoned Persons). Consequent reports, most notably - the Blue Ribbon Review Panel report (2006) concluded "innocent people remain in prison". [2] Moreover, the report provided detailed documentation of the refusal of judges of the Los Angeles Superior Court to allow release of those who were falsely imprisoned.
Current evidence provided by Human Rights Alert in its complaint was based on data mining surveys of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department online Inmate Information Center. [3] Such surveys documented that about half of the entries in the system include false and misleading records - most notably, records which attributed the authority for the confinements to various non existing courts.  Moreover, even after repeated requests the Sheriff's Department refused to correct such data, and in response to inquiries pursuant to California Public Records Act it repeatedly provided such false and deliberately misleading records as the arrest and booking records of inmates.
The complaint noted that large-scale false imprisonments were deemed the hallmark of alleged widespread corruption of the Los Angeles justice system in report filed by Human Rights Alert (NGO) with the United Nations, as part of the first ever 2010 review (UPR) by the United Nations of Human Rights in the United States. [4] The recent decision of the US Attorney Office, Central District of California, to re-establish the Public Corruption and Civil Rights unit was therefore seen as an encouraging step. [5] Human Rights Alert noted in its letter to the US Attorney Office that one could not expect the office to address the matters prior to the UN review (scheduled for November 2010). However, the letter expressed the expectation that the US Attorney Office at least demonstrate the establishment in the immediate future of valid process for acceptance, acknowledgement, and review of complaints. [6]It should be noted that large-scale false imprisonments of juveniles by state judges in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania - the Kids for Cash scandal, is currently prosecuted by the local US Attorney Office as racketeering, while the local courts are reviewing and reversing the convictions.  Likewise, about a third of the Rampart-FIPs were estimated to have still been juveniles at the time of their framing and false convictions. [7] The other hallmark of widespread corruption of the Los Angeles justice system alleged in Human Rights Alert report to the United Nations was real estate and financial institution fraud under the guise of court actions.  A separate complaint was previously filed with the US Attorney Office, Central District of California, accusing Mr David Pasternak, as a central figure in such conduct. [8] David Pasternak is former President of the Los Angeles Bar Association, former member of the California Judicial Council, former President of Bet Tzedek - a prominent Jewish charity, and current officer of the Chancery Club - a prominent legal voluntary association in Los Angeles.
Racketeering by the courts was previously prosecuted in San Diego, California, San Jose, California, and Chicago Illinois.  A large-scale court corruption scandal is also currently prosecuted in El Paso, Texas, and corruption of the courts is also currently investigated in Florida.  Such conditions are unheard of in other Western democracies.  
Human Rights Alert complaint was copied to the UPR office of the United Nations and to the UPR office of the US State Department. UPR response by the US State Department to the United Nations is due in August 2010.  Local, Los Angeles civic leaders, who previously rebuked corruption of the Los Angeles justice system, were copied as well: Prof David Burcham - former Dean, Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, Prof Erwin Chemerinsky - Dean, UC Irvine Law School, and Attorney Connie Rice - former Chair of the Blue Ribbon Review Panel, and today - head of the Los Angeles Advancement Project.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)

Richard Fine - 70 yo former US Prosecutor
Political Prisoner in Los Angeles, California
Please sign the petition: Free Richard Fine

June 28, 2010 Human Rights Alert (NGO) complaint of large-scale false imprisonments
 [2] 2006 Blue Ribbon Review Panel report
[3] Human Rights Alert: Data Mining as a Civil Duty � Online Prisoners Registration Systems.
[4] April 2010 Human Rights Alert report filed with the United Nations as part of the 2010 UPR of the United States.
a) Press Release:
b) Submission:
c) Appendix:
[5] June 12, Los Angeles Times report of the re-establishment of Public Corruption and Civil Rights unit in Central District of California.
[6] June 28, 2010 letter by Human Rights Alert requesting documentation of the establishment of a valid process for acceptance, acknowledgement, and review of complaints filed with the Public Corruption and Civil Rights unit.
[7] The Rampart FIPs - a Review
[8] June 21, 2010 complaint against Mr David Pasternak, as a central figure in real estate and financial institution fraud under the guise of court actions.

Samstag, 26. Juni 2010

10-06-26 Bitte unterzeichnen Sie die Petition: Free Richard Fine // Please Sign the Petition: Free Richard Fine

Richard Fine - former US prosecutor, political prisoner in Los Angeles, California
Richard Fine - 70 year old, former US prosecutor, is held since March 4, 2009 in solitary confinement in Los Angeles, California.  No warrant for his arrest was ever issued.  No judgment, conviction, or sentencing was ever entered in his case. Richard Fine had shown, that judges in Los Angeles County had taken "not permitted" payments (called by media "bribes"). On February 20, 2009, the Governor of California signed "retroactive immunities" (pardons) for all judges in Los Angeles. 
Richard Fine - 70 Jahre alt, ehemaliger US-Staatsanwalt, ist seit dem 4. März 2009 in Einzelhaft in Los Angeles, Kalifornien. Kein Haftbefehl wurde gegen ihn ausgestellt. Kein Urteil war immer bei ihm eingegangen. Richard Fine hatte gezeigt, dass die Richter in Los Angeles County genommen hatte "nicht zulässig" Zahlungen (genannt von den Medien "Bestechungsgelder"). Am 20. Februar 2009 unterzeichnete der Gouverneur von Kalifornien "rückwirkende Immunität"  für alle Richter in Los Angeles.
Bitte unterschreiben Sie die Petition: Free Richard Fine http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/free-fine
Target: Sheriff Lee Baca, Los Angeles County, Kalifornien

Wir bitten SHERIFF LEE BACA seine Autoritaet auszuueben und auf ein ordnungsgemäßes Verfahren zu achten, das den Zivil-und Menschenrechten des amerikanischen Häftlings RICHARD FINE (CJ Häftling 1.824.367) gerecht wird. Wir bitten SHERIFF LEE BACA die Anklage, seine Verhaftung und seine Akte zu ueberpruefen und falls diese nicht mit den Grundlagen des Gesetzes uebereinstimmen, entsprechende Maßnahmen unverzüglich einzuleiten und den Generalstaatsanwalt Richard FINE aus der Untersuchungshaft freizulassen. SHERIFF LEE BACA kann ein Zeichen setzen fuer rechtswidrig inhaftierte Menschen in Los Angeles County, das Nachahmung finden wird.

.- Sehen Sie sich die falschen und absichtlich irreführend Datensätze von Sheriff Lee Baca in einem Brief an Los Angeles County Supervisor, Michael Antonowitsch, vorausgesetzt, in Reaktion auf die für den Zugriff auf die California Public Datensätze, die die nicht existierenden Haftbefehl und Buchungssätze von Richard Fine waren Anfrage. Seit über einem Jahr, betont Sheriff Lee Baca auf falsche Datensätze - behaupten, dass Richard Fine vor Ort wurde verhaftet und von der Autorität des "San Pedro Amtsgericht". Kein solches Gericht hat fast ein Jahrzehnt lang bestanden!
- Sehen Sie sich die FALSE auf seinem Gesicht 4. März 2009 Urteil Bestell-und der Verachtung. Solche Urteil Eintrag fehlt jede Authentifizierung auf allen. Es war auf seinem Gesicht ein Stempel "eingelegt" mit dem Datum des 4. März 2009, unterzeichneten aber auf der letzten Seite von Richter Yaffe und datiert 24. März 2009. Diese Entscheidung wurde nie in der durch die California Code erforderlich, damit es "wirksam für jeden Zweck".
http://inproperinla.com/00-00-00-la-sup-ct-marina-v-county-09-03-04-false-fine-judment-record-copy-from-us-dist-ct- Habeas-Corpus--doc-16-Response-by-la-sup-CT-gestellt-May-1-2009.pdf
Executive Summary: 
Instant Petition wird mit Los Angeles County Sheriff LEE BACA eingereicht, um seine Autorität durch und ordnungsgemäße Verwendung der Adresse rechtlichen, Zivil-und Menschenrechte von einem Amerikaner, Häftling RICHARD FINE (# 1824367).
Rekonstruierte Chronologie: 
- Vor dem 4. März 2009 Verfahren, ein Antrag wurde vom Gericht von Richter David Yaffe der Sheriff Department hat dem Warrant Detail in dem Verfahren, mit dem Verständnis, dass das Verfahren wäre mit der Verurteilung und Inhaftierung des Ende Attorney Richard Fine zur Verachtung. 
- Am 4. März 2009 Richter David Yaffe Tat ausgesprochen solchen Satz in öffentlicher Sitzung, wie in den Court Reporter's Transkript nachgewiesen. Durch diese mündlichen Richtlinien, irregeführt Richter Yaffe der Sheriff's Warrant zum Detail Generalstaatsanwalt Richard Fine um 11:05 Uhr Festnahme - wenn auch - ohne schriftliche, gültig und wirksam überhaupt rechtfertigen. 
- Am 4. März 2009, um 11.05 Uhr, das Sheriff's Warrant Detail verhaftet Richard Fine in öffentlicher Sitzung, an der Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, City of Los Angeles, allerdings - ohne Gewähr auf allen. 
- Am 4. März 2009 Richter Yaffe dann den Saal verlassen, und ebenso - links der Warrant Detail ohne Rekord als ausreichende rechtliche Grundlage für die Festnahme. Stattdessen ging Richter Yaffe Schaffung einer zweiten, widersprüchlichen Datensatz in den Akten. Das Gericht zu diesem Zeitpunkt Datei nicht wiedergeben keine Verurteilung oder Inhaftierung überhaupt. In der Tat, der 4. März 2009 wurde Verfahrens vollständig aus dem Datensatz weggelassen! 
- Am 4. März 2009, um 12.32 Uhr, das Sheriff's Detail Warrant, wobei keine Aufzeichnungen als Grundlage für die Festnahme und Inhaftierung, verzeichnete die Verhaftung und Reservierung von Richard Fine, als hätten sie am Standort getroffen, und gemäß den Behörde des non-existent "San Pedro Amtsgericht." Diese Aufzeichnungen wurden eine falsche und vorsätzlich irreführend Aufzeichnungen, und aus der Einhaltung des Gesetzes. Sie hatten keine gültigen Gerichtsbeschluss oder Urteil als seine Grundlage. Kein solches Gericht hatte fast ein Jahrzehnt lang bestanden! Die falsche und vorsätzlich irreführend Buchungsrekord ist das Hauptthema von Instant Petition. 
- Am 4. März 2009, at 4:31 pm, Papiere wurden von den Sheriff's Department durch ein anonymes Fax-Übertragung, authentifizierte erhalten, und ohne Deckblatt von "Justizbehörden".Solche Papiere spiegelt noch eine dritte, wieder falsch und vorsätzlich irreführend rückwirkende Datensätze für die Festnahme und Reservierung von Richard Fine gesetzt. Diese Aufzeichnungen enthalten ungültige Einträge: (a) Der 4. März 2009 Untersuchungshaft Auftrag und (b) den 4. März 2009 Urteil zur Verachtung. An solchen Hintergrund war es verständlich, warum Sheriff Lee Baca, um Generalstaatsanwalt Richard Fine's Habeas-Corpus-Petition, und ebenso - warum Sheriff Lee Baca geweigert hat, den Zugang zum California öffentliche Register, das die Verhaftung und Reservierung Rekord von Richard Fine sind damit reagieren abgelehnt. Pleading: Wir beten Sheriff Lee Baca schreiben die Verhaftung und Buchungssätze, und wenn solche Aufzeichnungen gefunden, weil es einem die Grundlagen des Rechts - konform Korrekturmaßnahmen ergreifen und sofort wieder loslassen Generalstaatsanwalt Richard Fine.Mit ihm kann der Sheriff markieren einen neuen Anfang für das Los Angeles County Justiz, mit der Würde des rechtlichen, zivilen und Menschenrechte aller. 

Bitte unterschreiben Sie die Petition: Free Richard Fine http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/free-fine

* Vielen  Dank an die  Schueler aus Freiburg, Deutschland

Richard Fine - former US prosecutor, political prisoner in Los Angeles, California
Please sign the petition (anonymous option available), signatures by individuals outside the US are preferred!
Target:Sheriff Lee Baca, Los Angeles County, California
· View the FALSE AND DELIBERATELY MISLEADING records provided by Sheriff Lee Baca in letter to Los Angeles County Supervisor, Michael Antonovich, in response to request for access to the California public records that were the non-existing warrant and booking records of Richard Fine. For over a year, Sheriff Lee Baca insists on providing false records - claiming that Richard Fine was arrested on location and by authority of the "San Pedro Municipal Court". No such court has existed for almost a decade!
· View the FALSE ON ITS FACE March 4, 2009 Judgment and Order of Contempt. Such judgment record is missing any authentication at all. It was stamped on its face "FILED" with the date of March 4, 2009, but signed on its last page by Judge Yaffe and dated March 24, 2009. Such judgment was never entered as required by California Code to make it "effectual for any purpose".
Executive Summary: 
Instant petition is filed with Los Angeles County Sheriff LEE BACA, to use his due authority and properly address the legal, civil and human rights of an American, inmate RICHARD FINE (#1824367).
Reconstructed Chronology:
· Prior to the March 4, 2009 proceeding, a request was forwarded by the court of Judge David Yaffe to the Sheriff Department to have the Warrant Detail present in the proceeding, with the understanding that the proceeding would end with the sentencing and jailing of Attorney Richard Fine for contempt.
· On March 4, 2009 Judge David Yaffe indeed pronounced such sentence in open court, as evidenced in the Court Reporter's transcript. Through such oral directives, Judge Yaffe misled the Sheriff's Warrant Detail to arrest Attorney Richard Fine at 11:05 am - albeit - with no written, valid, and effectual warrant at all.
· On March 4, 2009, at 11:05 am, the Sheriff's Warrant Detail arrested Richard Fine in open court, at the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, City of Los Angeles, albeit - with no warrant at all.
· On March 4, 2009 Judge Yaffe then left the courtroom, and likewise - left the Warrant Detail with no record as an adequate legal foundation for the arrest. Instead, Judge Yaffe proceeded to create a second, contradictory record in the court file. The court file to this date does not reflect any sentencing or jailing at all. In fact, the March 4, 2009 proceeding was entirely omitted from the record!
· On March 4, 2009, at 12:32 pm, the Sheriff's Warrant Detail, having no record as foundation for the arrest and jailing, recorded the arrest and booking of Richard Fine as if they had taken place on location, and pursuant to the authority of the non-existent "San Pedro Municipal Court." Such records were a false and deliberately misleading records, and out of compliance with the law. They had no valid court order or judgment as its foundation. No such court had existed for almost a decade! The false and deliberately misleading booking record is the main subject of instant petition.
· On March 4, 2009, at 4:31 pm, papers were received by the Sheriff's Department through an anonymous fax transmission, unauthenticated, and with no cover sheet, from "Judicial Services". Such papers reflected yet a third, again false and deliberately misleading set of retroactive records for the arrest and booking of Richard Fine. Such records included invalid records: (a) The March 4, 2009 Remand Order and (b) the March 4, 2009 Judgment for contempt.
On such background it was understandable why Sheriff Lee Baca refused to respond to Attorney Richard Fine's habeas corpus petition, and likewise - why Sheriff Lee Baca has refused to allow access to the California public records, which are the arrest and booking record of Richard Fine.
Pleading: We pray Sheriff Lee Baca review the arrest and booking records, and if such records are found failing to conform with the fundamentals of the law - take corrective actions and immediately release Attorney Richard Fine. With it, the Sheriff may mark a new beginning for the Los Angeles County justice system, with dignity of the legal, civil, and human rights of all.
Please sign the petition: Free Richard Fine

10-06-25 Automatische Index der US-Justiz Korruption von Human Rights Alert (NGO) Vorgeschlagene // Automated Index of US Judicial Corruption Proposed by Human Rights Alert (NGO)

Human Rights Alert (NGO) Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles, 24. Juni - in Arbeit [1] für Peer Review in hochrangigen internationalen Informatik-Konferenz, Joseph Zernik, PhD und Menschenrechte Alert (NGO) vorgeschlagenen eingereicht, dass, wenn den Zugang der Öffentlichkeit vorgesehen war, wie von First Amendment Rechte erforderlich Strafregister, jetzt von den Gerichten verbirgt, wäre es möglich, eine "automatisierte Index gerichtlicher Korruption konstruieren". Das Papier überprüft die US-Bundesgerichte Computer Systeme, PACER & CM / ECF, die im letzten Jahrzehnt durch eine groß angelegte Projekt von der Justiz wurden installiert, mit unzureichenden öffentlichen Aufsicht unterliegen.Das Papier behauptet, dass die Systeme ungültig seien, da sie neue, unveröffentlichte außergerichtlichen Verfahren etabliert, da sie den Zugang der Öffentlichkeit zu gerichtlichen Aufzeichnungen, die öffentlichen Aufzeichnungen wurden durch das Gesetz verweigert, und da sie ungültig Verfahren zur Authentifizierung von Strafregister geschaffen. Das Papier der Schluss gezogen, dass die Systeme wesentlich, damit die steile Verschlechterung der Integrität der US-Gerichte im vergangenen Jahrzehnt wurden.Das Papier schloss:Der Übergang zur digitalen Verwaltung brachte eine Wende in den Verfahren der US-Gerichte.Der Übergang erfolgte über eine relativ kurze Zeit, und wurde unabhängig von der US-Justiz hingerichtet, mit unzureichenden öffentlichen und rechtlichen Verantwortlichkeit. Der Übergang führte steil Verschlechterung der Integrität der Gerichte, welche die Menschenrechte zu schützen und die Durchsetzung von Aufsichtsbehörden in den Vereinigten Staaten untergraben.Bedingungen, die als Ergebnis generiert wurden, sind beispiellos in demokratischen Gesellschaften in der Moderne. Sie sind für die Entrechtung der Menschen beschäftigt, und diejenigen in der Regierung und Großunternehmen profitieren. Die vorgeschlagene Lösung sollte öffentlich Rechenschaft beinhalten Validierung (zertifiziert, Funktionslogik Verifikation) von Case-Management-Systeme der Gerichte, System-Transparenz und laufende Data Mining - eine staatsbürgerliche Pflicht und Voraussetzung für die Integrität der Gerichte im digitalen Zeitalter.Obwohl der aktuelle Bericht Bedingungen an den US-Gerichten dokumentiert sind, werden ähnliche Risiken durch andere Nationen ebenso konfrontiert. Die internationale Computing / Informatik Gemeinschaft sollte davon ausgehen, eine führende Rolle im Schutz der Rechte und des demokratischen Charakters der Gesellschaft im digitalen Zeitalter.# # #Kontakt:Joseph Zernik, PhDHuman Rights Alert (NGO)jz12345@earthlink.net

[1] 10-06-24 zernik paper2 data mining of online records of the networked us courts

Human Rights Alert (NGO) Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles, June 24 - in paper [1] filed for peer review in high level international computer science conference, Joseph Zernik, PhD and Human Rights Alert (NGO) proposed that if public access was provided, as required by First Amendment rights, to judicial records, now concealed by the courts, it would be possible to construct an "automated Index of Judicial Corruption". The paper reviewed the US federal courts computers systems, PACER & CM/ECF, which were installed over the past decade through a large-scale project by the judiciary, with insufficient public oversight. The paper claimed that the systems were invalid, since they established new, unpublished court procedures, since they denied public access to judicial records, which were public records by law, and since they established invalid procedures for authentication of judicial records. The paper concluded that the systems were key to enabling precipitous deterioration in integrity of the US courts over the past decade.
The paper concluded:
The transition to digital administration entailed a sea change in procedures of the US courts. The transition took place over a relatively short time, and was independently executed by the US judiciary, with insufficient public and legal accountability. The transition resulted in precipitous deterioration in integrity of the courts, which undermined the safeguard of human rights and enforcement by regulatory agencies in the United States. Conditions that were generated as result are unprecedented in democratic societies in the Modern era. They are employed for deprivation of rights of the people, and to benefit those in government and large corporations. The proposed solution should involve publicly accountable validation (certified, functional logic verification) of case management systems of the courts, system transparency, and ongoing data mining - a civic duty, and prerequisite for integrity of the courts in the digital era. Although the current report documented conditions at the US courts, similar risks are faced by other nations as well. The international computing/informatics community should assume a leading role in protection of rights and the democratic nature of society in the digital era.
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rights Alert (NGO)
[1] 10-06-24 zernik paper2 data mining of online records of the networked us courts

10-06-24 Update für die Los Angeles Justiz Report

Hier ist ein Aktualisierung von Human Rights Alert (NGO) -
A. ON THE HOME FRONT:- Im Jahr 2008 wurde detaillierten Bericht mit den US-Generalstaatsanwalt eingereicht angebliche Erpressung durch die Richter des Los Angeles Superior Court, Markenzeichen, die in großem Maßstab false Inhaftierungen und Immobilien Betrug durch die Gerichte. Ernennung eines Sonderbeauftragten Counsel beantragt wurde.
- FBI und US Department of Justice weigerte sich zu antworten.
- Im August 2008 Senator Feinstein und Rep Watson eingereicht Anfragen auf US Department of Justice: Warum würden sie nicht über den Antrag zu reagieren.
- Im September 2008 FBI Assistant Director Kenneth Kaiser und US Department of Justice Kenneth Melson reagierte auf US-Kongress auf meine Anfrage. Ihre Antworten wurden als Betrug am US-Kongress behauptet.- Im Jahr 2009 Beschwerde wurde daher mit dem US Department of Justice Inspector General gegen die beiden hochrangigen US-Beamten eingereicht, dem zufolge Betrug am US-Kongress.- Zu diesem Zeitpunkt US-Justizministerium IG weigert sich, auf meine Beschwerde zu reagieren.- Im Februar 2010 Senator Feinstein eingereicht Untersuchungsausschusses zur US-Justizministerium IG: Warum wollte er nicht auf meine Beschwerde zu reagieren. [1]- Obwohl die Resonanz war innerhalb von 30 Tagen, zu diesem Zeitpunkt US-Justizministerium IG nie reagiert Senator Feinstein.
Ich wäre dankbar, wenn la Justice Bericht könnte der Antrag an Senator Feinstein beitreten zu Follow-up auf dem US-Justizministerium auf Anfrage IG in dieser Angelegenheit.
-Im Juni 2010 Beschwerde eingereicht wurde, behauptet die öffentliche Korruption durch einen Senior Legal Professional - David Pasternak - ehemaliger Präsident der Los Angeles County Bar, ehemaliges Mitglied des California Justizrat, mit der neu gegründeten Einheit für die öffentliche Korruption und Verletzungen der bürgerlichen Freiheitsrechte. [2]
Ich wäre dankbar, wenn Sie die Beschwerde veröffentlicht
- Im April 2010 Human Rights Alert (NGO) eingereichten Berichts für das erste UPR (Universal Periodic Review) von der UN für Menschenrechte in den Vereinigten Staaten.- Der Bericht ausschließlich auf Erkenntnisse aus LA County angelenkt, der Erpressung durch Richter, Markenzeichen, die falsche Inhaftierungen und Immobilien Betrug durch die Gerichte.[3]- Review-Sitzung ist bis November 2010.
Ich wäre dankbar, wenn LA Justiz Bericht der Human Rights Alert UPR-Bericht veröffentlichen würde, und sich Human Rights Alert in der Lobbyarbeit bei den Völkern, die auf die Überprüfung der Kommission bei der Forderung nach gleichen Schutz durch das 10 Millionen Einwohner von LA County durch die US-Regierung zu sitzen.
- In Berichten unten verlinkt, so wurde behauptet, dass betrügerische Computer-Systeme in den Gerichten und den Gefängnissen der Werkzeuge ermöglicht die Erpressung sind.- Papiere wurden für den internationalen professionellen Bericht über die Angelegenheit eingereicht. [4]- Antwort von Peer Review ist innerhalb eines Monats erwartet.
Ich wäre dankbar, wenn Sie nach der Begutachtung bereit wären, solche Papiere zu veröffentlichen.
[1] Senator Feinstein's Inquiry on DOJ-IG
[2] 10-06-21-Dr-Zernik-s-Complaint-Filed-with-Us-Attorney-Office-Los-Angeles-against-Mr-David-Pasternak-for-Public-Corruption-Deprivation-of-Civil-Rights
[3] April 19, 2010 Human Rights Alert submission for the 2010 UPR (Universal Periodic Review) of Human Rights in the United States by the United Nations:
a) Press Release:
[4] Paper #1 - large scale false imprisonments in Los Angeles County, California
Paper #2 - large scale fraud at the courts - to be submitted.
Here is an update by Human Rights Alert (NGO) -
A. ON THE HOME FRONT:- In 2008 detailed report was filed with US Attorney General alleging racketeering by the judges of Los Angeles Superior Court, hallmarks of which are large scale false imprisonments and real estate fraud by the courts. Appointment of a Special Counsel was requested.
- FBI and US Dept of Justice refused to respond.
- In August 2008 Senator Feinstein and Rep Watson filed inquiries on US Dept of Justice: Why they would not respond on the request.
- In September 2008 FBI Assistant Director Kenneth Kaiser and US Dept of Justice Kenneth Melson responded to US Congress on my request. Their responses were alleged as fraud on US Congress.
- In 2009 complaint was therefore filed with US Dept of Justice Inspector General against the two senior US officers, alleging fraud on US Congress.
- To this date US DOJ IG refuses to respond on my complaint.
- In February 2010 Senator Feinstein filed Inquiry on US DOJ IG: Why he would not respond on my complaint. [1]
- Although response was due within 30 days, to this date, US DOJ IG never responded to Senator Feinstein.
I would be grateful if LA Justice Report could join the request to Senator Feinstein to follow up on the inquiry on US DOJ IG on this matter.
- In June 2010 complaint was filed alleging public corruption by a senior legal professional - David Pasternak - former President of the Los Angeles County Bar, former member of the California Judicial Council, with the newly established unit for Public Corruption and Civil Rights violations. [2]
I would be grateful if you published the complaint
- In April 2010 Human Rights Alert (NGO) filed report for the first ever UPR (universal periodic review) by the UN of Human Rights in the United States.
- The report hinged entirely on evidence from LA County, of racketeering by judges, hallmarks of which are false imprisonments and real estate fraud by the courts. [3]
- Review session is pending November 2010.
I would be grateful if LA Justice Report would publish the Human Rights Alert UPR Report, and join Human Rights Alert in lobbying the nations who sit on the review commission in calling for equal protection of the 10 millions residents of LA County by the US government.
- In reports linked below, it was claimed that fraudulent computer systems in the courts and the jails are the tools enabling the racketeering.
- Papers were filed for international professional review on the matter. [4]
- Response from peer review is expected within a month.
I would be grateful if after peer review you would be willing to publish such papers.
[1] Senator Feinstein's Inquiry on DOJ-IG
[2] 10-06-21-Dr-Zernik-s-Complaint-Filed-with-Us-Attorney-Office-Los-Angeles-against-Mr-David-Pasternak-for-Public-Corruption-Deprivation-of-Civil-Rights
[3] April 19, 2010 Human Rights Alert submission for the 2010 UPR (Universal Periodic Review) of Human Rights in the United States by the United Nations:
a) Press Release:
[4] Paper #1 - large scale false imprisonments in Los Angeles County, California
Paper #2 - large scale fraud at the courts - to be submitted.