Human Rights Alert (NGO) entdeckt, archiviert und verbreitet Beweise von Menschenrechtsverletzungen durch den Staat Kalifornien und den Vereinigten Staaten. Besonderere Aufmerksamkeit gilt den computerisierten Management Systemen der Justiz.
Why was this blog created?
All further in-house efforts to further justice in the US justice system are futile. These efforts are only worthwhile to the degree that they provide additional documentation of the widespread corruption of the US justice system.
Our focus must be on the international community.
In November 2010 the United Nations will review for the first time ever the Human Rights record of the United States. Corruption of the justice system was the core of reports filed by Human Rights Alert and others for the April 2010 deadline.
In August 2010 the US State Department is scheduled to respond on the reports, and in November 2010 the UN will conduct the review session and issue the report, and set goals, which the US would be asked to reach between 2010 and the next scheduled review in 2014.
Between now and November 2010, we must focus on informing and lobbying the nations that sit on the review panel, to ensure that the most effective report is issued.
This blog was created in hope that the German Federal Government would support a UN UPR report that calls upon the US federal government to provide equal protection under the law to all who reside in the United States.
Please call or write your elected representatives and ask that the German Government support in November 2010 the issuance of a UPR report by the United Nations, which calls upon the US government to abide by its duties and responsibilities pursuant to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – ratified international law.
Bitte rufen Sie an oder schreiben Sie Ihrem gewählten Vertreter. Fragen Sie, ob die deutsche Regierung im November 2010 die Ausstellung eines UPR Bericht der Vereinten Nationen unterstuetzt.
Bitte unterzeichnen Sie die Petition - Richard Fine zu Befreien
Richard Fine - 70 Jahre alt, ehemaliger US-Staatsanwalt, hatte gezeigt, dass die Richter in Los Angeles County "nicht zulässig" Zahlungen angenommen hatten (von den Medien "Bestechungsgelder" genannt). Am 20. Februar 2009 unterzeichnete der Gouverneur von Kalifornien "rückwirkende Immunität" (Verzeihung) für alle Richter in Los Angeles. Weniger als zwei Wochen später, am 4. März 2009, wurde Richard Fine in einer öffentlichen Sitzung verhaftet, ohne Gerichtlichen beschluss. Er ist seitdem in Einzelhaft in Los Angeles, Kalifornien; es ist weder ein Urteil noch eine Verurteilung ergangen.
Donnerstag, 1. Juli 2010
10-07-01 Beschwerde gegen Herrn Danny Bickell - US Supreme Court Counsel, rügt die öffentliche Korruption und Entrechtung //Complaint filed against Mr Danny Bickell - US Supreme Court Counsel, Alleging Public Corruption and Deprivation of Rights
Washington DC, July 1 - Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, filed complaint with Ronald C Machen Jr, US Attorney for the District of Columbia, against Mr Danny Bickell, US Supreme Court Counsel, alleging public corruption and deprivation of rights under the color of law. [1] The complaint pertained to conduct of Mr Bickell in March-April 2010 in relationship to the US Supreme Court application - Fine v Sheriff (09-A827) - filed by the 70 year old, former US prosecutor Richard Fine, who is held in solitary confinement since March 2009 in Los Angeles, California. The complaint alleged that on March 12, 2010 Mr Bickell issued a letter noticing denying of Mr Fine's application by Associate Justice Kennedy with no authority at all, and with no valid record in the US Supreme Court file to support the notice. Later, on March 30, 2010, Richard Fine re-filed his application with the US Supreme Court. Consequently, Dr Zernik filed on April 20, 2010 a Motion to Intervene, where he documented Mr Bickell's conduct relative to the purported March 12, 2010 denial of Mr Fine's application. Dr Zernik's Motion to Intervene, likewise, documented similar conduct at other courts. The complaint alleged that in April 2010 Mr Bickell eliminated Dr Zernik's Motion to Intervene from the records of the US Supreme Court both to cover up his own alleged wrongdoing in the same case in March 2010, and likewise - to cover up alleged wrongdoing of others in the lower courts. Combined, the complaint alleged that in March and April 2010 Mr Bickell engaged in deliberate efforts to obstruct justice and deprive Mr Fine of his rights for fair hearing and due process of law.
Mr Fine exposed, publicized, and rebuked the taking by Los Angeles judges of "not permitted" payments, which were described by media as "bribes". The facts exposed by Mr Fine necessitated the signing on February 20, 2009 of "retroactive immunities" (pardons) for all such judges. Less than two weeks later, on March 4, 2009, Mr Fine was arrested in open court. Mr Fine has been held in solitary confinement ever since. Dr Zernik's Motion to Intervene documented the issuance and publication in online dockets of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, the US District Court, Los Angeles, and the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, of invalid, false and misleading records. The Motion to Intervene alleged wrongdoing in all three courts relative the issuance by clerical or unauthorized court staff of such records and dockets, first - to affect the arrest of Mr Fine and his ongoing imprisonment with no judgment, conviction, or sentencing ever entered in his case, and later - to undermine his habeas corpus petition.
Human Rights Alert (NGO) also forwarded its complaint against Mr Bickell to the Chairs of US Congress Judiciary Committees, and urged them to initiate review of unvalidated and insecure case management systems of the US courts, which permitted conduct as documented in the complaint. The complaint was also copied to the United Nations, as part of the 2010 - first ever - review by the United Nations of Human Rights in the United States. Human Rights Alert's April 2010 report to the United Nations alleged that unvalidated and false case management systems at the US courts were employed for large-scale deprivation of rights. [2] In paper, filed by Dr Zernik for review by international computer science conference, large-scale fraud was alleged in PACER and CM/ECF - the public access and case management systems of the US courts. [3] The international computing community was urged to assume a leading role in protection of rights in the digital era.
[1] July 1, 2010 Complaint against Mr Danny Bickell, US Supereme Court Counsel
[2] April 2010 report filed by Human Rights Alert with the United Nations
[3] Data Mining of the Networked US Courts
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