
Human Rights Alert - NGO page counter
Our right to access public records, our Liberty and our fundamental Human Rights are all connected at the hips!

Why was this blog created?

All further in-house efforts to further justice in the US justice system are futile. These efforts are only worthwhile to the degree that they provide additional documentation of the widespread corruption of the US justice system.

Our focus must be on the international community.

In November 2010 the United Nations will review for the first time ever the Human Rights record of the United States. Corruption of the justice system was the core of reports filed by Human Rights Alert and others for the April 2010 deadline.

In August 2010 the US State Department is scheduled to respond on the reports, and in November 2010 the UN will conduct the review session and issue the report, and set goals, which the US would be asked to reach between 2010 and the next scheduled review in 2014.

Between now and November 2010, we must focus on informing and lobbying the nations that sit on the review panel, to ensure that the most effective report is issued.

This blog was created in hope that the German Federal Government would support a UN UPR report that calls upon the US federal government to provide equal protection under the law to all who reside in the United States.

Please call or write your elected representatives and ask that the German Government support in November 2010 the issuance of a UPR report by the United Nations, which calls upon the US government to abide by its duties and responsibilities pursuant to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – ratified international law.

Bitte rufen Sie an oder schreiben Sie Ihrem gewählten Vertreter. Fragen Sie, ob die deutsche Regierung im November 2010 die Ausstellung eines UPR Bericht der Vereinten Nationen unterstuetzt.

Bitte unterzeichnen Sie die Petition - Richard Fine zu Befreien

RICHARD FINE was arrested on March 4, 2009 and is held since then in solitary confinement in Twin Tower Jail in Los Angeles, California, with no records,  conforming with the fundamentals of the law, as the basis for his arrest and jailing.

Richard Fine - 70 Jahre alt, ehemaliger US-Staatsanwalt, hatte gezeigt, dass die Richter in Los Angeles County "nicht zulässig" Zahlungen angenommen hatten (von den Medien "Bestechungsgelder" genannt). Am 20. Februar 2009 unterzeichnete der Gouverneur von Kalifornien "rückwirkende Immunität" (Verzeihung) für alle Richter in Los Angeles. Weniger als zwei Wochen später, am 4. März 2009, wurde Richard Fine in einer öffentlichen Sitzung verhaftet, ohne Gerichtlichen beschluss. Er ist seitdem in Einzelhaft in Los Angeles, Kalifornien; es ist weder ein Urteil noch eine Verurteilung ergangen.

Bitte unterzeichnen Sie die Petition - Richard Fine zu Befreien:

Freitag, 16. Juli 2010

10-07-16 Beschwerdeformular für öffentliche Korruption gegen Vorsitzender Richter und Geschäftsstellenleiter des Los Angeles Superior Court Gespeichert

Complaint for Public Corruption against James A Richman Justice of California Court of Appeals, Charles McCoy Presiding Judge, and John A Clarke Clerk, of the Los Angeles Superior Court in RE: Conduct of pretense litigation in Sturgeon v Los Angeles County (BC351286)

Los Angles, July 16 – complaint [1] was filed with US Attorney Office, Central District of California, by Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, against James A Richman – Justice of California Court of Appeal, First District, Charles McCoy – Presiding Judge, John A Clarke – Clerk, and others of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, for public corruption and deprivation of rights, relative to their conduct in Sturgeon v Los Angeles County (BC351286). 

The complaint alleged that the named accused conspired to conduct pretense litigation in the case of Sturgeon v Los Angeles County, where Justice Richman presided with no authority at all and where judgments were falsely represented as entered by him in the case.

· Court records showed that Justice Richman routinely referred to himself as presiding in the case as “judge by assignment”. However, no Assignment Order was ever found in court records in the case, as required by law. 

· Court records further showed that the Los Angeles Superior Court, a party to the same litigation, routinely referred to Justice James A Richman as a presiding “by reference” in the case. However, no Appointment Order was ever found in court records in the case, as required by law for a Referee. 

· Plaintiff’s counsel referred to Justice James Richman as “designated” to preside in the case. However, no designation record was ever found in the case, either. 

The complaint noted that no judgment was ever entered in the case, as required by California Code to make it “effectual for any purpose”. However, “not official” court records, published online by the court, falsely represented judgments by James A Richman in the case - in favor of Los Angeles County and the Los Angeles Superior Court and against Plaintiff Sturgeon.

Requests, which were forwarded to Justice Richman, to clarify the legal foundation for his authority to preside in the case, were left unanswered. 

In addition, Presiding Judge Charles McCoy and Clerk of the Court John A Clarke were alleged in the complaint as engaged in an ongoing conspiracy to violate First Amendment rights relative to denial of access to the Register of Actions (California civil docket) and other records in the case. The complaint alleged that through such conduct the Clerk and Presiding Judge continue to cover-up the fraudulent nature of the litigation in the case. 

The case of Sturgeon v LA County held the highest public policy significance, since it pertained to the taking of “not permitted” payments by Los Angeles County judges, which were called by media “bribes”. Therefore, the complaint alleged that through such conduct, the named accused conspired to deprive all 10 million residents of Los Angeles County of the prospect of honest court services, due process, and fair hearings in years to come.
Conduct of the Los Angeles Superior Court and the Los Angeles Justice system was described already in 2001 by Prof Erwin Chemerinsky, Founding Dean of the University of California Irvine Law School, as “conduct associated with the most repressive dictators and police states…”, and the Blue Ribbon Review Panel recommended already in 2006 external investigation of the Los Angeles Superior Court. Regardless, the April 2010 report, filed by Human Rights Alert with the United Nations, documented ongoing refusal of senior officers of the US Department of Justice to enforce the law in Los Angles County, California, and to accord equal protection to its 10 million residents.

The complaint was copied to the United Nations and the US State Department, as part of the first ever, 2010 review by the United Nation of Human rights in the United States. Responses by the US State Department to the United Nations are due by August 2010, and the United Nations review session and report are scheduled for November 2010.

Human Rights Alert is dedicated to discovering, archiving, and disseminating evidence of Human Rights violations by the justice systems of the State of California and the United States in Los Angeles County, California, and beyond. Special emphasis is given to the unique role of computerized case management systems in the precipitous deterioration of integrity of the justice system in the United States.

[1] 10-07-16 Complaint filed with US Attorney Office against US Magistrate Carla Woehrle and others at the US District Court - for public corruption and deprivation of rights.

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